Wellman was a long serving minor league manager when he gained fame six years ago today but blowing his gasket as manager of the Mississippi Braves of the Southern League. He had started his managerial career with the Gulf Coast Orioles in 1992. He managed some co-op teams in the Pioneer and Appalachian Leagues from 1993-1995. He would spend the next seven seasons in the Cincinnati Reds organization as minor league manager. He managed 1996 for the Winston-Salem Warthogs of the Carolina League, then earned the promotion for the 1997 and 1998 seasons to the Burlington Bees of the Midwest League, then moved up to the Southern League. From 1999-2003, he managed the Chattonooga Lookouts, making the playoffs his first two seasons there. Wellman chose to return to the Braves and was a minor league coach from 2004-2006, before taking the job for the Mississippi Braves of the Southern League before the 2007 season.
As the You Tube video below will show, Wellman goes nuts after being ejected from the game for arguing balls and strikes from the dugout. He procedes to cover home plate completely in dirt, before drawing a larger version simulating his opinion of the umpire's strike zone. He removes third base, throws it in the direction of second base, then throws the rosin bag at the umpire like he is throwing a grenade. He leaves the stadium through the outfield with both third and second base in his hands as he blows kisses and bows to the crowd.