Owner Jeffrey Loria was asked about Guillens future with the club. His response was along the lines of not wanting to stir a controversy by suggesting his feelings. He further added that all managers have strengths and weaknesses and his status would be addressed at a later time.“I just don’t want to get drawn into that until the end of the season,” Loria said. “There’s good and bad with every situation.” To me, that means it could go either way. Perhaps even 50/ 50. Definitely not a scenario that could have been envisioned at the beginning of the season. Similar to Valentine, it seemed Guillen had a free pass for this season and would be around for close to the duration of his contract. Not that he won't, but his return was not in question until Loria made his remarks.
Maybe it's a lot about nothing. Maybe his way of answering the question was intended to difuse questions about Guillen's job security. But, if that was the case, then why did Loria not give him an endorsement? The vote of confidence, so to say. His lack of interest in talking about Guillen's job status opened the door to the possibility that Ozzie may not be back in 2013. Something that did not exist until Loria made his statements.