Maybe the Astros took their stand by blaming Mills. The Houston Astros will not stand for this kind of losing and its time to change the manager. Managers get fired all the time. I can't make a fair assessment of how Brad Mills is as a manager. Sure he showed some flaws, but most managers do when their team stinks. Hopefully he gets another chance somewhere, then a better conclusion could be made. But to inply that he is directly 100 % responsible for this terrible record and team is a dillusional statement. If the current Houston Astros team was playing a AAA schedule, it would still not be very good.
I think it is more of a joke that the Astros have stopped competing to get ready for a move to the AL. They will essentially move into the other league as an expansion team. They deserve to be treated as one. While we all remember the Pittsburgh Pirates last making it to the postseason in 1992, we will all point to 2005 as the last time the Astros made the postseason. Hopefully, it won't be 2025.