In addition to his batting titles, he also led the AL in hits three times, the AL in 3B twice, runs scored in 1977, 3 times in intentional walks, 4 times OBP, once in OPS and once in OPS+. He was an 18 times All Star, starting at either 1B or 2B fifteen of those times.
Similar to Harmon Killebrew and some other players, he played regularly at more than one position. In fact, he played 1184 games at 1B and 1130 games at 2B, though unconfirmed, probably the most balanced number of games played by somebody who played over 2000 games at more than one position. Perhaps he doesn't get all the credit he deserves because of his lack of power. He was one of the game's best. It was proven when he became a first ballot Hall of Famer in 1991, taking 90.5 % of the writers' votes. Without a doubt, Rod Carew was one of the best hitters in the history of MLB.